Welcome to another thrilling week of new comic book releases! Get ready to be amazed by awesome stories, beautiful artwork, and your favorite characters that will make your imagination soar. From DC and Marvel to Image, Dark Horse, and IDW, this week’s comics promise exhilarating adventures that will leave you hungry for more.
New Comic Book Recommendations | May 31, 2023
Detective Comics #1072
(W) Ram V & Simon Spurrier (A) Ivan Reis
Batman arrives at the new Orgham grounds (which used to be the ruins of Arkham Asylum) to investigate what the Orghams have been hiding directly underneath the land that ties Gotham to the family centuries back…including the existence of Batman. Then, in the backup, Gordon investigates the reason Sorrow can’t be near Batman…and they find out the difficult way.
Captain America Symbol of Truth #13
(W) Tochi Onyebunchi (A) RB Silva
White Wolf’s latest trap has left Captains America barely standing, and Sam Wilson is hesitant to push the team toward certain death without a backup plan. But Steve Rogers will stop at nothing to rescue his son – even if it means taking down one of his closest friends!
Clobbering Time #3
(W/A) Steve Skroce
Ben Grimm travels to the Jersey Shore (and beyond) for a Grimm family reunion. Things get even more awkward when Doctor Strange shows up with information about the time-and-space-traveling thief who’s been haranguing the THING. Don’t miss part three of the greatest THING story ever told, as far as we know…
Doctor Strange #3
(W) Jed Mackay (A) Pasqual Ferry
Stephen Strange has no short supply of enemies, but none are more fearsome than DORMAMMU, master of the Dark Dimension! When a cult summons the Dreaded Lord to New York, Stephen has to risk everything in order to defeat his most dangerous foe! But is he truly up for the task? Plus, a backup story featuring Doctor Strange and Sister Grimm of the Runaways!
Deep Cuts #2
(W) Kyle Higgins & Joe Clark (A) Halena Maesellis
Chicago, 1928. Gail Gelstein has 48 hours to write the biggest jazz hit of all time. There’s just one problem: she doesn’t know anything about jazz. Rising star artist HELENA MASELLIS joins the DEEP CUTS team for a whirlwind journey behind the curtains of Broadway!
wOrldtr33 #2
(W) James Tynion IV (A) Jordie Bellaire
“A new world is coming. And I helped build it.”
That’s what Ellison Lane’s teenage brother told him after murdering 60 people. Something called the Undernet is influencing terrible acts of violence…and it may already be too late to stop it from spreading.
Don’t miss the next horror epic from multiple Eisner Award-winning writer JAMES TYNION IV (THE DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH) and FERNANDO BLANCO (Detective Comics)!
Catfight #1
(W) Andrew Wheeler (A)Â Ilias Kyriazis
John Wick meets Kill Bill, meets CATS?! Felix lives a life of high fashion and indulgence. Sure, he steals to get it, but he gets it on his own, nonetheless. When a mysterious character by the name of Schrodinger threatens Felix’s only surviving family member in an attempt to recruit him into a crime syndicate, Felix is sent on a globetrotting game of cat and mouse in a heightened world of colorful criminal masterminds.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Saturday Morning Adventures #1
(W) Erik Burham (A) Tim Lattie
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ Saturday Morning Adventures continue in our first multipart adventure! After an accidental encounter with an unknown element in the sewers of the city, the Rat King finds his ability to control the hearts and minds of rodents is waning. But in its place, he finds the ability to control reptile life, which will totally make things harder for the heroes in a half shell! Grab a bowl of cereal and be there for part one of THE TURTLE KING! Now an all-new ongoing series because you asked for it!
Best Pick Up from Last Week | May 11, 2023
City Boy #1
(W) Greg Pak (A) Minkyu Jung
First seen in Wildstorm 30th Anniversary Special and Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn, there’s a new Korean hero named…City Boy! Or at least, that’s the best translation of what the cities call him. City Boy, a.k.a. Cameron Kim, is just trying to make a living by using his powers of being able to speak to cities to find lost and hidden goods to pawn, and it’s only just enough to get by. And those abilities mean he hears everything everywhere all the time, including each city’s histories and the truths behind them. (It’s very loud in his head and something he has to live with.) As his powers get stronger, the cities start forming animal avatars from scraps in order to physically travel alongside him on his adventures. Of course, Gotham is a rat avatar made of city scraps, but what about Metropolis, Blüdhaven, Amnesty Bay, or even Themyscira? And not all cities are so kind.Â
Graphic Novel Recommendation
The Incredible Hulk: Planet Hulk
(W) Greg Pak (A) Carlo Pagulayan
Savage alien planet. Oppressed barbarian tribes. Corrupt emperor. Deadly woman warrior. Gladiators and slaves. Battle axes and hand blasters. Monsters and heroes…and the Incredible Hulk!
Amazon: Click here to buy the graphic novel The Incredible Hulk Plant Hulk on Amazon
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