The next big story line in DC’s Flash comic series is the Flash War! This seems like it is going to be one of the coolest story lines on the Rebirth Flash series . This is going to pit the original Wally West against Barry Allen. Supposedly, this will have the definitive answer to who is the better Flash. Interestingly, they don’t ask who is the fastest Flash, but who is the best Flash. It takes more than just being fast to be the Flash, so it will be interesting where they go with this.
Let us know in the comments who your favorite Flash is and why.
Here is the official synopsis:
“FLASH WAR” prelude! The biggest Flash story of 2018 starts here, with a special story starring the classic Wally West, who’s conflicted over whether to let Iris West know he is alive—and he’ll need the help of the Flash to figure out what to do! But when Magenta, Wally’s old love, needs his help, the Flash returns home to Keystone City where he is confronted with violent memories of an unknown world… A major turning point for the Flash family that sets the path for earth shattering stories in 2018!
DC Comics – Howard Porter cover Flash Annual #1
*Possible Rebirth Spoilers below*
DC Comics – Rebirth Special by Geoff Johns, art by Ethan Van Sciver, Ivan Reis, Gary Frank, Phil Jimenez and more.
It’s been a little over a year since the original Wally West was brought back to the DC Universe by Barry Allen in the DC Rebirth Special by Geoff Johns. Even though Wally is back, a lot has happened to him. First, he almost didn’t come back and could have lost his life and history completely. He lost years of his life, his wife didn’t remember him because of this, and he got a pace-maker due to Damien during the Lazarus Contract story line.
Side-note: Check out our audio podcast on the Lazarus Contract, click here!
We are hoping that this new story line will put Wally in a better place and really establish his place in the current DC Universe. Wally is a fan favorite, he was the Flash on the Justice League animated series and he was the Flash for a lot of people growing up in the 90’s; and we all just want to see him treated right.
Flash War story line will start on January 31, 2018 in Flash Annual #1, written by Joshua Williamson and art by Christian Duce. Flash War will continue on through Flash #46 – #50.
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